Analyze, diagnose, and recommend safety measures concerning people, property, and heritage in your project.
The study presents the social and urban context in which the project or business is embedded and identifies the risks that affect it or that it itself generates. Our partnership approach allows for cross-referencing information and putting it into perspective to determine the best safety measures to adopt.
Identify threats that could impact your teams, your assets, and manage the vulnerabilities of your establishment while ensuring your financial stakes.
To welcome the public or employees under good conditions, each establishment must adhere to certain rules. It is therefore necessary to identify any risks or weaknesses.
Whether it's an audit, the opening of a new space that welcomes the public, or long-term support, analyzing the whole will provide you with the tools for better risk management.
Our intervention processes, a series of operations or steps conducted by our experts, allow us to transform a particular situation into an entirely different, more desirable, and more appropriate one. The consultation always leads to actions to be taken with the aim of helping an organization's management solve a problem.
Our intelligence services are implementing the most advanced technological system to discover and gather information that will be used in the follow-up of your files. We also assist you during your pre-employment processes to recruit a candidate with a security profile.
Our investigations are conducted both for companies and for individuals, on a personal basis. At the end of each investigation, an investigation report will be produced.